Why hire a birth photographer?

When I tell people I am a birth photographer I tend to receive a mixed set of emotions, some people are dumbstruck, others find the idea a little unpleasant but most are interested and ask questions such as why? Well here is my response……..

Birth Photography is currently deemed relatively new in England but the idea of having a photographer present at the birth is beginning to catch on. I have been lucky enough to be present at 2 births, as well as having 3 children of my own. I can tell you as both a mother and photographer each birth is different, magical in it’s own way, no matter how you choose to give birth, each method brings the same result, a beautiful new baby. By having me present I can capture those precious first moments you have with your baby, the look on your face when you first hold your baby, the sheer emotion of the moment.

I am there to capture one of the most wonderful moments in your life, I capture labour and the emotions between the woman and her partner. I capture birth and those precious first moments as a new family. I am there so your birthing partner can focus purely on you, too many people miss precious moments due to wondering where the camera is and how they must remember to photograph this moment. I am there to take those photographic fears away and provide you with possibly the most amazing story you will ever tell, the story of your precious new arrival.

Uncensored Raw Emotion - the joy of mum, partner and sibling as baby enters the world.

Uncensored Raw Emotion – the joy of mum, partner and sibling as baby enters the world.

The Birth Of Freddie

I can not help but look at these images and smile. I met Lena via independent midwife Virginia Howes and this young lady has amazed me no end.

Baby Freddie’s birth was a quick one, I was called at 2.47am and Freddie arrived at 3.17am, Lena had an amazing home birth in the birthing pool with her family around her under the care of her independent midwife Virginia Howes.

Smiling throughout labour

Smiling throughout labour

Lena had Freddie completely naturally with no pain relief. In the pool with her was her partner and 4 year old son, a true family moment.

First Moment

First Moment

Above is their first moment as a family of 4, it was extremely touching to be part of this wonderful birth story.

Cutting the cord.

Cutting the cord.

Dad cut baby Freddies cord whilst in the pool. This was a delayed clamping of the cord which means it was not cut until the baby had sourced all the goodness needed from the placenta.

The first hands to touch Freddie.

The first hands to touch Freddie.

The closing shot from this birth story is one which shows who had the honour of touching/holding baby first – Mum, Dad & Big Brother were all there to be a part of those precious first moments.