Happy 1st Birthday Oscar

On this day exactly one year ago I was on my own little journey of self discovery, I’ve loved documentary photography for as long as I can remember and anything relating to the family. Well on this day one year ago I found out where my heart lies…..

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I was witnessing the incredible journey of Nic as she bought her first child into the world with the wonderful support of her partner Scott. Having 3 children of my own the magic of birth was not new to me but been able to be a bystander and capture the emotions that occur between 2 people whom love each dearly as they together bring their baby into the world was something entirely magical. I don’t think I personally realised how much the birthing partner goes through until this day, it’s intense, even more so if there are dramas, these two were utterly amazing!!

Capturing this magical night of firsts for Nic & Scott showed me my heart belongs in birth photography, and all that comes with it, combining my love of the family and documentary to tell the magical story of a baby’s birth day. Every baby born is an individual magical journey and I am privileged to be able to capture those. Times passes so quickly it’s easy to forget, these images help you to never forget the magical if slightly scary journey of your babies arrival and their amazing first moments.

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Newborn feet

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First moments

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Father and son.

Happy 1st Birthday Oscar, your special day will be special to me forever.