Happy 1st Birthday Freddie

Ahhh I loved the birth of Freddie so much, Lena experienced what I could only have dreamt of with my births. I didn’t even know home birth was an option. She did so amazingly well, giving birth completely naturally. By choosing a birthing pool at home, beautiful Freddie was born into a world surrounded by familiarity and love.

Lena had the support of her partner Stuart & her son Tommy in the birthing pool. Also present were Lena’s mum & sister, a true family affair.

Her midwife was local independent midwife, Virginia Howes.


Daddy & Big Brother-to-be supporting Mummy.

lena virginnia wm

Virginia supporting Lena through contractions.

Precious first moments as a family of 4

Precious first moments as a family of 4

Tommy's first hold of his baby brother

Tommy’s first hold of his baby brother

Beautiful Freddie

Beautiful Freddie in Daddy’s arms

Precious moments within the first feeds

Precious moments within the first feeds

How relaxed and fabulous does Lena look?!

How relaxed and fabulous does Lena look?! Natural Momma.

Lena, every time I look back at the story of Freddie’s birth I smile, you were so amazing and truly inspirational.

I find it so hard to believe a year has passed, what a gorgeous little baby Freddie is! Happy very 1st Birthday Freddie! Enjoy your extra special day!

Quite possibly my favourite image, drinking in every inch of your precious newborn baby.

Quite possibly my favourite image, drinking in every inch of your precious newborn baby.