As birth photography in England is quite a new subject I get asked many questions, here are some.

However if you have more to ask please do not hesitate to get in touch with me on either 07511 843737 or edolley27@gmail.com

What is birth photography?

As a mother of 3, I can tell you no one person or specific event will ever be more important than the birth of your child. Unfortunately this was a subject not even considered when I had my children, so it didn’t come into the equation. I can however tell you that if I could have hired a photographer to capture those precious moments – my husband supporting me, our joy and elation as each baby entered the world and those precious first moments – I would have done so in a heartbeat.

Many people presume birth photography is gory and imagine those dreadful life education classes we were pretty much all submitted to. Let me tell you, my work is the complete opposite. I am there to capture the tender moments between you and your birthing partner, the bond you have, then the elation between you both as your baby is delivered, those tender first few moments as new parents.

The arrival of your baby happens once, let me hold the camera whilst your partner focuses entirely on you and your baby.

Do you take pictures of the whole labour and birth?

I want to capture within my work, all aspects of your baby’s arrival.  As a family documentary photographer, I intend to capture your individual story. Typically what will happen is someone will call me when your labour begins, then when you are around 6cm dilated or your contractions have reached a steady pace, I will come to you to capture those believe it or not joyous moments of labour, the happiness as you bring your baby into the world and your babies precious first few moments.

If for any reason you are uncomfortable with me present during labour, we can discuss a slightly different package where I will arrive after your baby has been born to perform a “fresh baby session”.

Will we meet before the birth?

Yes, most definitely. I am going to be present during one of the most intimate and cherished moments of your life, I therefore find it important to discuss your needs and requirements before the big event. Each birth has it’s own individual story, it is important that yours matches your requirements and expectations.

When do you arrive?

As mentioned previously, I expect to get a call when you are around 6cms dilated, however I also understand that many women do not  have vaginal checks therefore we start to look at the contraction pattern, when they are strong and regular is when you call. However it is always nice to get a little message to let me know things are under way from the start so I can be ready to dash to you at a moments notice. Each birth and labour is individual to you, when we meet we can discuss your requirements.

How long will you stay? What if I have a long labour?

Again, each labour is an individual account to you. If  you contact me in the very early stages of labour and we have what could be hours to go, there is a chance I may leave and come back BUT once you reach a certain point there tends to be no going back. I know for certain and can promise you I will not leave you when this time occurs. Your labour could be 2 or 8 hours long, I am your birth photographer, regardless of the time it takes.

Once your baby is born is dependent on you, I capture your first moments together which is generally between 2-4 hours, but I also consider myself to be a pretty good judge of character and know when my time is up and you need to be left alone as a family.

What if I have a short labour, will I get my money back?

I’m afraid not, the price you pay is for your story to be captured and created.

What if I have a c-section?

If your caesarean is planned then please do check with the hospital how they feel about me been present during the moment. However if during your labour you have to have an emergency caesarean, I will generally not be able to be present. I will however capture your labour for as long as possible and then those first moments when you are out of theatre and together as a family.

Will I have to get approval from my hospital?

If you are delivering in a hospital then yes, I would advise you check. Most hospitals allow 2 people in the room with you so if it will just be me you and your partner that’s fine, but if you plan in having 2 birthing partners plus me I would check, alternatively I can do this for you. However if you are having a home birth you are in your own home and can therefore do as you wish, however out of politeness I would advise your midwife that you plan to have a photographer present.

What if I miss the birth?

There are only 2 reasons I can think of that would make me miss your birth. The first is you don’t let me know in time, the second I am not physically able to be present. If you do not contact me until the very last moment and I miss your birth I’m afraid I’ve missed it BUT I will continue to capture the most beautiful fresh baby shots for you. If there is a problem with me, and it would have to be something major to stop me missing a birth, I will have a back up photographer present for you. This will all be discussed when we meet.

When should I book you?

I’d advise booking my services from 20 weeks, however if later please do still get in touch. It’s more to ensure you don’t contact me to say you are in labour and would like a photographer this minute. A lot of planning goes into each birth.

Do you offer discounts or take payments?

I have a pricing section which clearly sets out the prices of packages. If you choose to purchase a package rather than an a la carte pricing option a discount will be present in the price.

Upon agreeing terms of hiring me as your birth photographer we can set out a pricing plan for you. The last thing you will want to worry about once your baby is born is paying the photographer.

Do you use a flash?

I do try to avoid using a flash gun, however if there is not enough available light this will be a possibility.

How many photographs will I get?

This varies greatly between births but I would say an average birth story would consist of 75-150 photographs. How you choose to receive them will be set out in the packages guideline.

How long will it take to get my photographs?

I look to having your images ready within one week, however if you choose a birth story album this will take a little longer for creation and delivery. Please view my pricing and packages section to see what I can offer you.

Will they be colour or black and white?

There will be a mixture of both colour and black and white. This is the photographers prerogative, however if you have a preference over either please do let me know.

lena (1 of 1)

“Let them hold your hand not the camera”

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