Beautiful baby boy

Remember the maternity shoot I performed on 29th December, well here is baby!

Meet beautiful Carter, born on 26th January.

This is his first photo  shoot, captured here at 1 week old, isn’t he adorable.

Carter born 26/01/15

Carter born 26/01/15

A little uncertain of the lady with the big camera.

A little uncertain of the lady with the big camera

Cuteness Overload

Cuteness Overload

Teeny, tiny, perfect baby boy

Teeny, tiny, perfect baby boy


These images were taken at the clients home with my portable studio.

New Brothers

Here are just a few images from a recent session.

Pictured here is beautiful baby boy Matthew aged 4 weeks with his big brother Jack aged 3.

The perfect big brother

The perfect big brother


New little brother

New little brother


Brotherly love at it's cutest

Brotherly love at it’s cutest





Sweet dreams baby Matthew

Sweet dreams baby Matthew


This session was performed in the clients home, using both backdrop & studio lighting.

Isn’t she lovely

Recently I got to spend the morning with this adorable little lady. Huni pictured here was just 6 days old, an absolute treasure.

Beautiful baby girl

Beautiful baby girl

Love a baby in a hat, adorable

Love a baby in a hat, adorable





Father & Daughter

Father & Daughter




This session was taken in the clients home with a studio backdrop and studio lighting.

The utterly adorable Liam

Here are just a few of the images from meeting sweet baby Liam last Sunday.

Liam is pictured here at just 5 weeks old.

Mother & Son

Mother & Son

Father & Son

Father & Son

I adore baby feet

I adore baby feet

Sweet dreams baby

Sweet dreams baby


This session took place in the family home, meaning minimal upheaval for the new family as I come to you.

Happy 1st Birthday Freddie

Ahhh I loved the birth of Freddie so much, Lena experienced what I could only have dreamt of with my births. I didn’t even know home birth was an option. She did so amazingly well, giving birth completely naturally. By choosing a birthing pool at home, beautiful Freddie was born into a world surrounded by familiarity and love.

Lena had the support of her partner Stuart & her son Tommy in the birthing pool. Also present were Lena’s mum & sister, a true family affair.

Her midwife was local independent midwife, Virginia Howes.


Daddy & Big Brother-to-be supporting Mummy.

lena virginnia wm

Virginia supporting Lena through contractions.

Precious first moments as a family of 4

Precious first moments as a family of 4

Tommy's first hold of his baby brother

Tommy’s first hold of his baby brother

Beautiful Freddie

Beautiful Freddie in Daddy’s arms

Precious moments within the first feeds

Precious moments within the first feeds

How relaxed and fabulous does Lena look?!

How relaxed and fabulous does Lena look?! Natural Momma.

Lena, every time I look back at the story of Freddie’s birth I smile, you were so amazing and truly inspirational.

I find it so hard to believe a year has passed, what a gorgeous little baby Freddie is! Happy very 1st Birthday Freddie! Enjoy your extra special day!

Quite possibly my favourite image, drinking in every inch of your precious newborn baby.

Quite possibly my favourite image, drinking in every inch of your precious newborn baby.



Happy 1st Birthday Oscar

On this day exactly one year ago I was on my own little journey of self discovery, I’ve loved documentary photography for as long as I can remember and anything relating to the family. Well on this day one year ago I found out where my heart lies…..

image 4 WM


I was witnessing the incredible journey of Nic as she bought her first child into the world with the wonderful support of her partner Scott. Having 3 children of my own the magic of birth was not new to me but been able to be a bystander and capture the emotions that occur between 2 people whom love each dearly as they together bring their baby into the world was something entirely magical. I don’t think I personally realised how much the birthing partner goes through until this day, it’s intense, even more so if there are dramas, these two were utterly amazing!!

Capturing this magical night of firsts for Nic & Scott showed me my heart belongs in birth photography, and all that comes with it, combining my love of the family and documentary to tell the magical story of a baby’s birth day. Every baby born is an individual magical journey and I am privileged to be able to capture those. Times passes so quickly it’s easy to forget, these images help you to never forget the magical if slightly scary journey of your babies arrival and their amazing first moments.

Image 3 WM

Newborn feet

image 1 WM

First moments

image 2 WM

Father and son.

Happy 1st Birthday Oscar, your special day will be special to me forever.

Birth Photography Promotion

Birth Photography Promotion

Whilst building up my portfolio within my favourite area, the magic of birth, I am offering the special rate of just £450 for my next 5 bookings! This will include, coverage of your birth, creation of a slideshow of your … Continue reading

Why hire a birth photographer?

When I tell people I am a birth photographer I tend to receive a mixed set of emotions, some people are dumbstruck, others find the idea a little unpleasant but most are interested and ask questions such as why? Well here is my response……..

Birth Photography is currently deemed relatively new in England but the idea of having a photographer present at the birth is beginning to catch on. I have been lucky enough to be present at 2 births, as well as having 3 children of my own. I can tell you as both a mother and photographer each birth is different, magical in it’s own way, no matter how you choose to give birth, each method brings the same result, a beautiful new baby. By having me present I can capture those precious first moments you have with your baby, the look on your face when you first hold your baby, the sheer emotion of the moment.

I am there to capture one of the most wonderful moments in your life, I capture labour and the emotions between the woman and her partner. I capture birth and those precious first moments as a new family. I am there so your birthing partner can focus purely on you, too many people miss precious moments due to wondering where the camera is and how they must remember to photograph this moment. I am there to take those photographic fears away and provide you with possibly the most amazing story you will ever tell, the story of your precious new arrival.

Uncensored Raw Emotion - the joy of mum, partner and sibling as baby enters the world.

Uncensored Raw Emotion – the joy of mum, partner and sibling as baby enters the world.